Steps to buy a right used cars

Step 1: What kinds of car you need to buy?

Many people confuse the concept of "need" and "want". Before buying a car, you should determine which vehicle is right for you. Do not set a goal to buy any car on top.

Thus, you can quickly choose the car as required, and does not take too much effort. You should spend a little time to determind the purpose of car. For example: How many passengers? How road conditions? How much mileage of the day? Fuel consumption figures may have a big problem?

Many clients often decide to buy a car upon what they see or follow market trends. If your are entrained, you will quickly sell the car to go to select the other. So it is a good idea to buy a best car meeting your demand. Do not buy a car because of hobby.

Here are some questions to keep in mind when starting to plan to buy a car:

• what standard or automatic car you want to buy?

• Do you need to use 4-wheel drive system?

• whay the safety equipments are needed?

• You need to carry heavy?

• Do your car sled others?

• Is it easy to park?

Step 2: How much money do you have?

You need to calculate carefully when buying a car such as taxes, registration and user fees. If you have enough money, it is good, even if you have to buy on hire-purchase, you should consider to unexpected factors affecting future earnings.

Step 3: You should buy or rent?

If you choose to hire, you will pay less money, but when the contract ends, the car is no longer and you have to replace it with the other. Buying a car will be expensive but in return, you'll own up to when selling it.

Step 4: Check some car in the same classification

Auto market is increasingly diverse and each car usually direct competitors such as Toyota Corolla versus Honda Civic ... Therefor, before you go to the car showroom, you should consider the following factors: brand, style, prices and model, accompanying equipment, assessment of people with experience... Good brand will help you avoid problems after sales service and it has higher resale value.

Step 5: Consider the full cost of the property

This factor is often overlooked because customers buying sentiment for it. They do not count the cost before the owner will be. Some cars are cheap but the cost is high. Even if two cars are the same price when you using, there is a car wastes more money because it often breaks, has expensive spare parts or high maintenance fees.

So, before you decide to buy a car, it’s necessary to calculate the distant future payments include things like registration fees, insurance, maintenance, fuel, spare parts, parking or speed devaluation ...

Step 6: Consider the accessories

After finishing 5 steps above, you can select candidate list. Now it is the time to evaluate the equipment comes between them. Typically, clients go to the showroom to check the car they want to buy. But nowadays, it just takes time and money. They can search from a various sources before making the assessment.

Step 7: Schedule a drive test

Many customers skip this step because of psychology. This is the last step before you make a decision. The reference is from the network, your friends, your relatives will be directly tested.

A car is suitable for this person, but not with others, mainly due to a different assessment. So, just when you drive it directly you can give conclusions. After all, it's your car. It engaged and ensure safety for you and not for others.
